Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 13

And another day when Asher is in bed by 6:00. Seriously? Turkey? You won't eat a few little chunks of rolled up deli turkey? It was the really good kind too, tasted like fresh roasted turkey.

Paul and I had turkey, brie, and cranberry panini for dinner. A side of broccoli rounded things off. Hannah ate turkey, bread, and broccoli (remember...anything cheesy is a no-no, and why would I waste good brie on her?)

Asher ate carrots, cucumbers, wheat bread, and then when I told him if he didn't eat the turkey (which I had dressed up by putting a toothpick in each little bite) he would just be going to bed, he got down from the table and went to his room.

No stickers given out tonight. Hannah didn't have anything "offensive" on her plate to try and Asher got sent to bed.

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