Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 12

I was soooo looking forward to dinner tonight. Chicken and asparagus in peanut sauce over brown rice.  It was the first time I made this particular recipe, but I've made a lot of different peanut sauces for satay and stir fries.

The kids started with the "What's for dinner tonight?" around 4:00.  Then when I told them it was chicken with peanut butter sauce (what kid wouldn't want something with peanut butter sauce on it!) they both started questioning, "Do I have to eat it too?" "Do we just have to taste it?" "What am I having?" This did not bode well for smiles. I gave them each brown rice, plain sautéed chicken, and asparagus. I also gave Asher some cucumbers.

Hannah licked her piece of chicken and gave the usual, "blech." But then was reminded that touching a food to one's tongue does not constitute tasting the food. She eventually put a small piece in her mouth, made her gagging sound, gulped some milk and swallowed. Asher sat quietly and ate brown rice, the cucumbers and chicken. He would not touch the asparagus or the sauced chicken. With threats of being sent to bed again he eventually let my husband poke one small taste of the chicken and feed him. He spat it back on the plate and cried.

Am I torturing my children?

Outcome: Hannah got a grumpy sticker. Asher was denied a sticker and went to bed early.

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